Excessive gastric acids

Yep, I’m dehydrated, hence, the fever. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

It’s 4 am and this is the first time since yesterday that I feel normal. I had been curled up in pain because of stomach acids again. I suffered from bad diarrhea and vomiting. It seemed like whatever my body wanted to expel really had to violently get out of me.

I only had a glass of Diabetasol for breakfast and started writing my article. I felt quesy right after sending my piece to the editors. Still, I was crazy enough to text the vet that I will be taking the 1 pm slot because Kimchi really needs to be checked.

Just as we were about to leave, I vomited and emptied my insides. Damn it was so painful! But I couldn’t cancel because it’s hard to get another appointment with the vet.

Poor baby. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

Kimchi had a smelly butt since Typhoon Enteng or earlier and she had been scooting on my carpet (which reminds me I must have it washed when the sun comes out). She frequently licks her butt, more than usual but she doesn’t have diarrhea.

You can see the fear in her eyes. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

Likely parasite since Kimchi and Sushi go out occasionally and one time I caught them munching on a lizard or some big insect that they caught (the rascals!). The smell of her butt (smells like bagoong) and all the other symptoms point to possible parasite infection so we were prescribed Nexguard combo for both the indoor cats. If Kimchi doesn’t improve, then I have to bring her back for some lab work.

Then the vet saw how in bad shape I was. She told me, it seems like it’s you who needs to go to the doctor…

I mustered all my will power so we can get home.

Once I stepped into my house, I started hurling again and diarrhea exploded. I had been horizontal since then. When my girls arrived, I asked the girls to buy me half dozen Gatarode to hydrate me because oral hydrites taste horrible. But too late, I was already dehydrated and contracted low-grade fever. I was in and out of consciousness; I was in that twilight zone of sleeping and wakefulness because I needed to go to the bathroom. I don’t remember when I fell into deep sleep…

My Manila reporter told me to just rest and not worry about the event she was covering (signing of a deal we had been covering doggedly). “You need to rest now; you’re sick.”

Ah yes… Stress…

This job will kill me with stress.

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