Books I missed out

  1. Dune

I know we had a copy of Dune in our old house when I was a kid. It’s one of those paperbacks in our cabinet with glass doors. The Dune novels are just right up my alley but I couldn’t figure why I haven’t picked it up. 🤔 Maybe when I take my long break…

2. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

This novel’s adaptation is Blade Runner, a cyberpunk movie also right up my alley. As a lifelong fan of Ghost In the Shell anime movie/s and series, this book should have been on top of my reading list. Dystopia and questions about what makes a human, human, is always interesting to me. Is empathy is solely a human emotion? <<< something that will always nag at the back of my head.

3. The Giver

I have had The Giver in my basket several times in book stores but somehow I prioritize buying another book over this. I don’t know why. Maybe because I always thought this book will still be available when I get back.

Next time I will finally buy this. The problem is when will I have the time to read this?

And down the rabit hole I go… Photo by

I started refilling my Pilot Namiki fountain pen cartridges and oh boy, the process is so messy. I know there’s an art and science to this but I haven’t figured it out just yet. 😩

I just love writing with fountain pens. Drawing with it is fun. However, watercoloring with it is a hit or miss affair because inked drawings bleed when colored.

Giant catio. Photo by
Photo by

I just realized today that the second floor our neighbor constructed was a giant catio or a huge cat house. This morning I saw a couple of cats hanging out by the screen wall. There are also cat trees. I wonder if our neighbor is rescuing cats. 🤔

However, the skeptic in me could not shake the feeling that my neighbor is probably getting stray cats to feed a python, like this zoo in Masbate.

Geez, I hope not.

Twin I pointed out that 1) why would our neighbor spend so much constructing this entire second floor to keep cats just to feed a snake/s? 2) Why would they install ceiling fan for the cats if these cats are just going to be fed to the snake?

She has a point.

It’s just that I have so much distrust on humanity that I always think the worst of people when it comes to animals, especially companion animals.

In the following days I will try to investigate. I will be a Marites.

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