After weeks of constant rains, we’re given a fair weather today. Perfect for cardio exercises.

It was refreshing, after being locked up for days because of the southwestern monsoon rains. I was motivated to be more serious with my weight loss program after ranting on this blog the other day.
And of course, I want to catch the sunset outside.

It’s so easy to fall back into bed after a day of exhausting my brain doing admin and editorial stuff. Attended an online press briefing and filed a story right after. I only got to have my lunch at 2 pm because I couldn’t let go of the story until I submitted it to the editors. I also edited a rush story, which was a quick job but I had rewritten some paragraphs since the reporter wrote the story on her phone since she didn’t bring her laptop, thinking there wouldn’t be a time-sensitive story from the event she has been to.

During my 4km+ walk, I passed by the former site of my elementary school, which is now taken over by the university. My elementary school was private, which was owned by the PTA, but was leasing land from the university. It was founded by the same people who helped establish this university, ergo the Americans. The school has relocated to the next town, where large tracts of land could still be purchased.
Anyway, many school events were held on this mini-stage and the adjacent grounds. Several of these events were singing contests. Of course, I joined them and it didn’t enter my mind that I wasn’t good enough. Hahahaha! The audacity of the younger version of me!
We had a bigger stage on the other side of this complex where we had our recognition rites and several stage presentations. I clearly remember I had been voted to play Gloria Estefan and lipsync that Seal Our Fate song with backup dancers in 6th Grade. It was 1991 or 1992. I had a photo of that event held on the bigger stage. I felt so humiliated by that performance and I thought my classmates hated me that’s why they made me do it.
Hahaha! Memories that are almost 40 years old.

I’m cooling down in my balcony now. My world has gotten smaller again.