The sun is finally out. Wet laundry should dry out soon and I will wash the diving buoy again so salt deposits would not eat into the zippers again. I drove Twin A to school for her volleyball training and went to the mom-and-pop stores to buy ingredients for the sukiyaki I will cook for lunch/dinner.

Since I was already at the Korean grocery store (which has since expanded), I picked up freshly made gimbap and Maxim hazelnut coffee for breakfast.

I’m on editing duty today so I should do everything to motivate me to work.
My editing test for the job I was applying for will be next week and I decided to chop it into 90 min bits. However, I have several coverages in Makati, Pasay, and Ortigas next week so scheduling is bit of a pain.
I have to get cracking on those edits now. 💪

Since I can’t freeze opened tofu again, I decided to make braised tofu with gochujang because I don’t have gochugaru (it went bad because ai wasn’t using it). I can store this in the fridge for a day or two. However, the sukiyaki for lunch won’t make it for dinner (my girls liked it so they ate a lot), I guess the braised tofu will be for dinner, together with leftover pork adobo I cooked last night.

This day has been cozy, so far.
There’s a special place in hell for those uncouth Neanderthals who shoot Philippine Eagles for sport.

Fly free, Mangayon! I weep for you.