Trip to the vet

She’s so agitated. Photo by

I took Gorilla to the vet for her unresolved colds and sneezing. Luckily her brother, Socks, is not dripping with mucus nor sneezing even if they sleep together.

Playful at the vet clinic. Photo by

She will be given an antibiotic since the mucus dripping from her nose is still yellow and her eyes have the same kind of discharge. She will also be given supplements so her body can beat the viral infection that caused this in the first place. So ok, the diagnosis is suspected viral infection w/ bacterial infection.

I can’t buy the 4 medicines after the clinic appointment because I need to jump into a call on Teams.

I edited until past 7 pm and had to chase The Generics Pharmacy because they close at 8 pm. My cats’ medicines are the same ones used by  humans so it was better check out TGP first then jump to Mercury if they don’t have what I need.

Ugh! I need to administer via syringe 4 kinds of medicines to Gorilla. Everyday. One of them needs to be given 3x a day. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Oh well, that’s what cat ladies endure just to keep these furbabies alive.

Meanwhile, their sibling, Ninja, now known as Brownie, looks healthy and lovely.

She’s so big now and her fur looks gorgeous.