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This is what Senator Riza Hontiveros has been telling the whole world: Chinese spies had been living among us and Duterte made it easier for them infiltrate the Philipoine government. Sen. Hontiveros’ research team has been harping about the fake mayor in Tarlac, who is a Chinese citizen and a spy by China’s Communist Party.
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Whether these PLA uniforms are used for scams or they’re indeed members of PLA, the Philipoine government shouldn’t rest and leave the investigation hanging.
Even foreign media has uncovered the connection of “Alice Guo’s” father to CCP.
And what makes me angry is that Chinese military is already in Palawan, which is clearly ours. The fuckers!
I will never set foot again in mainland China. Nope. Last I was there was 10 years ago and what I brought home with me was a very bad strain of pneumonia.
If I still have that printing shop, I would have made a T-shirt with a print of the Kalayaan/Spratley’s islands and Palawan map and the words “West Philippine Sea is Ours!”
Meanwhile, my wound is covered with the only available medicated plaster at home.

I had to go out and buy transparent plasters for my trip to Ortigas since I have a meeting tomorrow. I can’t look stupid with a cartoon-printed plaster on my forehead!
I have to fill up my calendar with meetings and conferences before I disappear to Bohol. I need to produce 10 stories for July and one long piece. The coming month is traditionally dry in terms of stories in my experience and I don’t want to be scrambling for stories towards the end of the month, especially we have a moratorium on traveling for work these days.
If I would spend from my own pocket to be able to set meetings, I would rather travel to Vietnam or Thailand because 1) it’s cheaper; 2) I need more contacts there. I could try Cambodia but it’s really not a big market for me. Before the coup, I intended to visit Myanmar as I have already met some contacts there. Oh well.
Maybe if I get my bonus, I’ll try to fly to Vietnam in 3Q or before the year ends.