A little bit

It’s ugly for now.

My surgeon used a dark thread for my stitches so for now I look like Harry Potter with a misplaced lightning scar. But it’s so refreshing to see my forehead without that lump. It’s only now that I bothered to search in my archives for some photos that would show when the lump started to appear. I saw that way back 2016 there was a visible lump already but it wasn’t that glaring.

At least now the bruising is gone and it seems like the wound will close up nicely.

Where I had my surgery. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

I don’t think I have to be in the OR when the doctor removes my stitches on Monday. Hopefully my forehead doesn’t look weird by Tuesday because I have a meeting in BGC, then the next day I have an interview with somebody in Vietnam, then 30 mins after that is my breast ultrasound. I have to jump into my car and rush to the radiology dept of the hospital where I had my mammogram.

Friends were flabbergasted that I didn’t take time off after my surgery. Well, it wasn’t a major surgery so there’s no need for long healing period but it sure was painful.

I want to finish all these health checks so I can focus on other things.

I just ordered from Lazada a 30m utility rope to attach to my diving buoy, some carabiners, and diving weights. Also bought a bag for my fins and my girls’ fins because I need to have these checked in when we fly to Bohol in a few weeks. I have to bring my portable air pump to inflate my diving buoy.

I should plan our next diving trip. Coron perhaps towards the end of the year to avoid the huge typhoons from the southeast up to northeast.

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