On Fridays we don’t go out to bars anymore. We eat at home with friends. 🍲🍷
At 2:30 pm, I went to my kids’ school to get their report cards. I was mistaken with Twin A’s average. I was off 0.34% as it turned out her ave is 96.66% and not 97%. Twin I was 98.62% and she was still upset that she didn’t make it to 99%. 😒
After a quick grocery run, I drove to the next town to buy monay. I was craving for bread and this town is known for their delicious monay. Went home to tweak some edits and then shut down work at 4 pm.

My girls entertained one of my bff’s young kids in their room (or rather they entertained Kimchi) while we laughed our butts off at the dinner table. Conversation over spgahetti, sparkling grape, some tea and pastries after. One friend who traveled all the way from QC is now staying at the university hotel.
I am now delaying the inevitable—doing the washing up. 😩
When we were all in our early 20s, Friday nights meant we would be hanging at Xaymaca to hear live reggae music. Or we would be here in our hometown, getting stupidly drunk.
Now, our Friday nights are peaceful dinners at home and still trading stupid jokes. However, these days it means such nights are irregular since adulting gets in the way: work, errands, and general exhaustion.
Well, we’re older.