Proud mommy

Kimchi sleeping on my sketchbook. Photo by

I didn’t have a photo of me putting on gold medals on my girls because no one else is there to take it. My mom went with us onstage in lieu of a father and she isn’t handy with a camera as well. Good thing they have a professional photographer and I paid in advance for the copies of our photos that are yet to be printed.

My mom and I were talking about how good it was that Twin A was able to catch up and perform well despite the one month setback due to her hospitalization and overall ill health the following months. She didn’t want to be left behind by her twin so she worked hard.

We just hope they continue with this all throughout junior and senior high school and not get distracted by so many things that occupy teenagers these days.

We went to The Aviary for lunch and the three of them stuffed themselves to the point that we had to take home the desserts. I had to control my portion and didn’t have sweets like turones dripping in caramel and mango sticky rice with cream  but just had buchi (fried glutinous rice dough). I need to walk these calories off. It’s really hard to swear off sugar. 😩

My brother, me, and my older sister, 1981.

I found this in my archives when I was looking for a photo of me with copper-red hair to show my kids. I was two years 2.5 years old here, I think, and I vaguely remember this picture-taking event inside the university but I cannot recollect what the occasion was. It looks like Loyalty Day since there were peole picnicking in the background. This building, designed by Leandro Locsin, still looks the same to this day.

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