For half the schoolyear, Twin I pestered me about dyeing her hair if she gets the highest honor by the end of their 7th Grade. I was noncommittal. I didn’t think I would have to make that decision.
Nope, I was wrong. She is very persistent. She wore me down everyday with this: MOMMY, CAN I DYE MY HAIR WHEN I GET TOP HONORS? (repeat 10x)
The twins will each receive gold medals tomorrow for getting averages of above 97% (Twin A = 97+, Twin I~ 99). I didn’t have to push them to do their homeworks and to study hard—they did them on their own volition. They were making their own reviewers. They worked hard on their projects. They did it on their own with hardly any prodding from me because they know how important it is to me that they pass UP.
So now I fulfilled my end of the bargain. I brought them to the salon.

They were pretty happy with the outcome. They are excited to attend the recognition rites tomorrow so they can show off their hair to their friends.
By the time they come back to school in August, their hair would have grown and we can chop off the colored bits.
I wasn’t in the mood to cook after our time in the salon (2.5 hrs) so I just recycled leftovers to make bibimbap. The noodles there are bulgogi-flavored Korean dry instant noodles. I didn’t have enough veggies and ran out of ban chan so I just fried mushrooms to add to lettuce.

Maybe we can have lunch in one of the destination restaurants several towns from us after the ceremonies.