This is a mammogram machine a.k.a. squisher. I never thought that a mammogram could be this painful—dang it’s painful. Have I already mentioned it’s painful? Oh yes, I did. 😵💫
This machine squishes you so hard that you can only hold your breath while the technician takes a picture of your squished boobs. You can’t complain because you would only prolong your agony because the technician needs to take a photo of each breast twice (2D). Ruin the moment you have to go through it again.
I went to have my mammogram yesterday after lunch but I should have done this on my 40th birthday but we were at the height of Covid that time. Two years later, I still couldn’t do it because of Covid restrictions in 2021 and I was all over the place in 2022—travelling, building my house, etc. Last year was rough because I was in the process of moving house while at the same time I had to travel a lot. Twin A also got sick. I couldn’t time my menstrual cycle while I was so busy. Mammograms have to be done one or two weeks after the first mens. Before and after menstrual period the breasts are very tender, which would amplify the pain when they’re squished.
Good thing that this is only done once a year after turning 40. 🥲
The technician did her routine interview and asked why did my attending doctor ask for this procedure. I said I don’t want surprises so better get screened every year.
I then remembered my college friend, C, who didn’t know he had leukemia and died five days after diagnosis.
Yes, I don’t like surprises. It’s also not fair to my children if I didn’t take care of myself.
I still have to wait for the radiologist to come back from her break for the breast ultrasound. 😩

I drove to BGC today to help our Manila reporter since there were a lot of people whom we needed to interview and they’re all going in different directions.
It was nice being back again in circulation.
After work, I went to Mitsukoshi to check out the newly opened Nitori store.

The kitchen stuff were pretty good. I was tempted to buy a kettle but we have an electric kettle… 🤔
I skipped the stationery section because I knew I would buy more fountain pen stuff 😜
Ah should sleep now.