I’ve got Covid. Again.

Sigh. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

Well, they did warn people on social media and mainstream media news that Covid cases in hospitals have risen. My TV reporter friend, whose wife is a cardiologist at Medical City, said the Covid ward is full and wife has a lot of patients admitted there. I remember when Twin A was in the hospital last year, we were having a hard time getting transferred to Philippine Children’s Medical Center because they have already dismantled their Covid ward. I guess hospitals need to bring these back now that we’re having a surge of cases.

Just when I was supposed to send a message to my surgeon for a check up tomorrow 🤦🏻‍♀️… Nope, 1 week of isolation is in order.

I just don’t know where I got this. I didn’t go out of the house since I came back from Anilao this weekend. Ah I went out Monday night to withdraw cash and then I went to Alfamart to buy toilet paper. Then we just went to the supermarket on Wed then yesterday to SM and CityMall. I think I already had Covid yesterday because the back of my throat was already scratchy.

I did the Covid test because I feel like I have flu but the persistent scratchiness at the back of my throat was something else. Now I my head feels heavy but I don’t have a fever but my body feels like it wants to have a fever. You know that feeling?

I feel so rotten now. If only I could just sleep this off. When I had the Delta variant, I had long Covid, with brain fog lasting until December (and I had Covid in September 2021). I had blood clots then. My menstruation was unusually heavy and long during my bout with Delta. I had clots and they were a lot, just like when I gave birth. It was bloody hell at that time.

My sisters gave me melatonin tablets to help with sleep and reduce blood clotting. Well, yeah, it’s a cause for concern when I have too much platelets.

It will be a long week…

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