I need to count calories again. The last time I used MyFitness Pal was in 2018, when I was strictly watching my calorie intake due to my risk of developing diabetes that runs in the family. I stopped using MyFitness Pal/calorie counting when ex and I started going out because we often dined outside. I didn’t want to be a party pooper by being picky about food.
Well, I’m now pre-diabetic (both my FBS and HbA1c are slightly elevated) and I have slightly elevated WBC and platelet count (a little above the high end of the normal range), which have been observed in patients with insulin resistance. What’s worrisome is that estrogen also causes thrombocytosis (high platelet count), which means I can’t use the pill longer to ease me into perimenopause. This is why my gynecologist wanted to check everything; she wanted to see whether I was at risk of developing exactly this.
On the bright side, my triglycerides and LDL are normal, my HDL is high (I credit my oatmeal habit). Lipase is at the median of the normal range so my pancreas is now good. My uric acid is a bit higher than normal because I’m fond of using fish sauce as a dipping sauce and in my quest to avoid cholesterol, I turned to eating fish like mackerel, sardines, and salmon that in turn contain lots of purines. I also love mushrooms. I eat oatmeal for breakfast. 😩 Plus everyone in my family (siblings, father) has high uric acid and almost all of my father’s siblings have gout. It also comes with the territory of diabetics.
Speaking of red meat, my creatinine is below the normal range. If the low end of the normal range is 0.6, then I’m 0.55. Either I overdid my “no red meat” diet or I should do more cardio exercises because I don’t have enough muscle mass, hence, the low creatinine.
My doctor is still abroad so I have to wait until June 11 for my next check up with her. She told me if my tests showed I’m really pre-diabetic, she will give me something to help bring down my blood sugar.
Ah well, ageing hurts, ageing is hard, ageing humbles you.
I should also check out the univesrsity pool schedule so I can augment walking with swimming. 😩
My girls and I went to the nearest SM to buy them dresses because they will go onstage to receive awards for being top of their class on June 17. I also brought my new Oppo watch to the Oppo Service Center because that dratted thing drains quickly. It’s either the software update is to blame or it is a lemon.

My girls have finally developed an interest in reading. Well, they were reading Percy Jackson and Diary of Wimpy Kid before. Now they have developed more mature taste in reading materials. Finally, somebody else will read my books!