This is the reason why I am ok being single. Nope. If all the men I will be meeting are like this NFL buffoon here or user narcissists like my exes—I swear I am never going to want to try another relationship. I’m good where I am now.
God have mercy on the women they are with right now.
I fear for my daughters though. They haven’t had any good model of what a healthy love is. How a good relationship between a man and a woman looks like, a relationship that has a healthy dose of respect for each other. All they have seen is me being taken advantage of and treated like dirt. I don’t want them to fall into the same trap.
Meanwhile, I tried to push my luck today. But nope, still a couple of mistakes. This is still unfinished. I should make the leaves on the edge of that tree silhouette darker. I should try experimenting different values to indicate ripples on the water.
Ah well, that’s why this is on a watercolor sketchbook because this is my practice book.

I’m so tired. Only one day more before I go off my medical leave. I need to finish one more article for editing tomorrow then I’m off!!!
But first dinner. Potato dill soup. Because we need something comforting on an exhausting day like this. My kids are also exhausted because the school year is about to end soon. They’re rushing projects and next week is their final exams.

I’m excited to see this, to see how they have translated the musical from stage to movie. I want to hear Elphaba’s piece d’ resistance while she is suspended on air.
It’s time to try defying gravity
I think I’ll try defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye, I’m defying gravity
And you won’t bring me down