I drove from my house to Makati CBD for 1 hr and 15 mins, minus refueling, this morning along SLEX. I needed to help our Manila reporter with stories that we could get from a presscon today. She’s still under the weather and it’s hard to chase the head of a conglomerate if you’re sick.
And chase I did. I barricaded the elevator door with my body when the one I needed to ambush interview was already leaving. Good thing I already befriended his security guys so they let me do my thing.
Got three stories today.
Why the fuck am I still doing this? Because I’m a journalist and I am faithful to my profession, not the company.

And my manager is on my case again today but she was pounding the editor who was editing one of my stories. I said it’s time-sensitive because there might be some announcement tomorrow on IDX and we needed to be ahead of that.
But nooooo, she was asking the stupidest things via the editor, thus delaying the publication of the piece. It’s already 9 pm 11 pm and it’s still not done. It’s less than 10 paragraph for goodness’ sake!!!
I told the editor to go home and have dinner. I said we’ll just deal with this tomorrow morning before markets open.

I don’t know if she’s jealous that my team is still intact while her only reporter already resigned and it’s only her in her bureau. I don’t know if she’s being insufferable because my team receives the highest average hits/readership in APAC monthly.
God knows how I am keeping my temper in check. I think I need to talk to my therapist again because of the stress my manager is causing me. I am already affected physically. My stomach acids are already overwhelming me again. I need to take a proton pump inhibitor before morning and evening meals because it may worsen again and I may end up in the ER again.
I’m still waiting for any news about my job application with a competitor. 😩
To cheer me a bit today…