I did a media training again today. I enjoyed this training like the one I did last time since I was in my element. I think I did a good job and the trainee (a very high level person) enjoyed it as much. He said at first he thought he won’t need it given his familiarity with us but he ended up admitting that he learned so much.
Because I was driving back and forth Metro Manila yesterday and today, I ended up working until past midnight Monday and Tuesday (yesterday). So yes, it’s almost 2 am and I’m not yet asleep. Too caffeinated but no decent meal. Agggh! This is the reason why I ended up with gastrointestinal problems; decades of inconsistent or unhealthy eating habits have wreaked havoc to my system.
I also tried to catch up with a lot of emails and uploaded two stories at 1 am. 🤦🏻♀️
Why am I working so hard when I should be working on my Plan B?
I will do that later today. Or tomorrow. Today is a holiday and ironically, Labor Day. A day of honoring workers but here I am, slaving away for a company that doesn’t deserve my talent and dedication.

Sometimes oftentimes I just want to cat = doing catty things or not doing anything at all, which is a very catty thing.
A global editor role has opened in another competitor, B. This time the base is in Bangkok. It does not require the applicant to know Thai; the ad says they are making Bangkok as just one of the bases.
It’s very curious indeed.
The company, R, that advertised for the position I applied for a few weeks ago is also decentralizing its editing bases from Singapore and Sydney and has chosen Philippines and NZ as two additional locations…
Now competitor B seems to be doing the same, decentralizing from Singapore, which has become much more expensive for foreigners after MoM increased the threshold for E-pass holders. For my age bracket, the new applicants’ minimum qualifying salary is SGD 11,500. If your salary is just at the threshold, you may not get renewed if your company will not bump it up further. Plus you and the company have the hurdle these requirements.

They’re really discouraging the hiring of foreigners.
It is already a hostile place for foreigners given how expensive it is now to live there.
Media companies no longer have an incentive to keep its editing team in Singapore since our industry has always functioned with remote newsrooms. That’s why my fairy gaymother friend, K, has been promoted again to handle a bigger team even though he’s still stationed in Manila. They have accepted, like the rest of the world, that Singapore is not viable anymore. It’s only my fucking company that still thinks Singapore is Southeast Asia and that I fucking need to be stationed there.
I already gave my ultimatum. If they insist on changing my contract, that’s it. Good luck finding another capable journo to lead the team who is Singaporean or PR.