Immunity debt sucks

Nebulizing because it’s hard to breathe. Photo by

I’ve got another patient. Just when the other twin is already well, here comes another twin down with something. Quite a number of their classmates/batchmates are sick with I don’t know what, aside from the gastro problems that remain unresolved by the school. I’m getting irate already.

The children’s immunity really has been eroded so much by their confinement at home for several years. Now that they’re back in the petri dish that is school—without masks on—we have kids getting sick more often than usual

It will take years before their immune systems get used to germs again.

I had a dark cloud hovering over me the whole weekend. Monday was a bit better than I expected since my manager was off. Or maybe she was sick of making me her punching bag.

My younger sister told me that in order for me to survive and not get angry everyday, I should just treat this current job as a money-making venture and nothing more. Have my passion lie elsewhere.

Good advice but the thing is journalism is my passion. How can I be dispassionate about it?

Maybe quit it. Or quit it in my head. Transfer my passion until I find a new job.

How about home-making? I love my home. Maybe I should start homesteadying, id est starting my home “farm”, making my little patch of land productive and beautiful.

Maybe, I need to step down from my stressful managerial position and just be a freelancer for my current company so I can write a variety of things for other media companies. It’s a risky move but it could work. I become the brand. I would own my time so I can pursue other things such as taking a short course on data analytics at my university’s graduate school. Many of the jobs at my level involved data analytics already.

Let’s see what my meeting tomorrow would yield me.

Meanwhile, here’s the glaring truth about McKinsey and the other McKinseys of the world. 😂 I’m looking at you, Boston Consulting Group and Bain 😂. These guys are just around me all the time.

And here’s the short cut to the parody recruitment video: