Not yet done…Tadaaaah!

Still fixing this monstrosity. Art and photo by

I tried to push the envelope yesterday by attempting to paint another scene last night after producing that starry sea scape in the afternoon. Because I drained my creative juices to the hilt, I ended up with a less than desirable interpretation of my photo of a tree at Hitachi Seaside Park. I stopped and slept.

I said I will sleep and fix it today.

This is how I work; little space for everything else. Photo by

I used an old chipped ceramic plate as a mixing palette because plastic ones get stained and it’s hard to remove the paint that could contaminate my other colors. Since I told myself that I would be continuing this tonight, I didn’t bother cleaning up but it was sooooo wrong. I ended up working on my day job around this mess. And to think I was so busy today editing time-sensitive stories, one of which is a follow-up to our market-moving story two weeks ago. I was editing until 7 pm tonight…

In between edits, my seamstress arrived to make a final fitting for the sofa covers. I needed to have my covers custom made because 1) I want sturdy but comfortable fabrics that are resistant to my cats’ nasty claws; 2) they have to fit perfectly to my sofas for a more elegant look.

Yes, it’s grey. Photo by

Yes call me boring but I had no choice in terms of color because the material that I wanted is not available in other colors. My priority is comfort and strength rather than aesthetics. Once I have more fabric options, I will have another set made for my two sofas. I need two sets because I can’t leave the sofa bare while I have the covers washed.

Meanwhile, I was doodling, practicing on making human figures while I was on a call.

I suck at drawing human figures. Photo by

Ok let’s see how my rehabilitation efforts on my disaster of a painting would look like…

Tadaaah! Art and photo by

Tree in the sea of nemophila at Hitachi Seaside Park in the style of Van Gogh.

Hitachi for me was like Arles for Van Gogh. I cannot capture its beauty but I can translate on paper how I felt about it.

I can now sleep.

Tomorrow I can try painting á la Studio Ghibli.

I need to drive first to Quezon City for some banking KYC stuff and meet a friend who needed career advice. Actually two friends needed career advice, both asking whether they should stay in journalism or not.

I both told them leave their respective companies now if they’re not growing. It doesn’t matter if it’s still in journalism or not.