My patient is gaining more weight. So far so good. I hope her next MRI would reveal that everything is fine so she can end her treatment by February. Well, her last MRI showed that she no longer has inflamation and the ascites have resolved on their own.
Thank you, Lord!
After her treatment, I should focus on my general check up and really make time to visit my gynecologist and dermatologist to have my osteoma removed.
Have to be vigilant because you know, genetics…
Meanwhile, the latest The Economist newsletter in my inbox directed me to their article about the most expensive cities in the world.

Here I was last week, beating myself up to a pulp because of guilt that I’m not in Singapore and I’m required to be there instead of stewing here. But this article assures me that I am where I’m supposed to be—unless they give me a salary that allows me to live in Singapore comfortably and send my kids to school.
But since they didn’t agree with my asking compensation, I shouldn’t feel guilty. I shouldn’t feel less of a person because I can’t fill the gap left by my colleague when she resigned.
So I shouldn’t feel stressed…but of course I am stressed. What to do?! And I’m about to terminate the contract with a Singapore freelancer who hasn’t turned in any article since hiring him six months ago. My manager is always on my back regarding this. ðŸ«
And my manager didn’t approve of my team’s plan to have the annual training next month or in March. It has to coincide with our conferences, she said. 😑