When I was in kindergarten, I had a classmate who chased me all over the school premises to steal a kiss on my cheek.
I avoided him all throughout the school year because I was scared of him. Really, really scared.

Then when we were in first grade, we were in different classes but he still figured out a way how to chase me all over school to steal a kiss on my cheek again. He never did because I ran to different parts of our elementary school, even reaching the scary 7th Grade area just to hide from him.
My fear of him was carried throughout our elementary years but lessened in high school. However, I was still awkward around him. I doubt if he remembered his shenanigans when we were 5-6 years old but it left me scarred. We’re pretty civil towards each other but that’s about it.
Several years after, he followed me on Twitter and I followed him. I knew he is a medical doctor and specialized in palliative care. When the critical time came that my ex-mother-in-law was faced with the tough decision to whether she will still undergo chemo and radiotherapy or just go home, I bravely asked this classmate via DM on Twitter for advice and we talked on the phone. In the end, ex-MIL went home and did not go through the therapies because she wouldn’t be able to handle the side effects at her age so her family chose quality of life instead.
Why did I suddenly remember this?
When I had my walk two days ago, I passed by that elementary school and wondered why I always had vivid dreams of running all around along those corridors like I was being chased. I have those dreams maybe at least once a year. I don’t know but maybe I was traumatized without even recognizing it as trauma.
Maybe this is a result of my ability to remember things clearly, which is debilitating in a way because it developed my bias against this person who turns out to be a decent guy.
Anyway, that’s just one thought among the many that ran through my head when I had my 4.5-km walk. I missed it today because I was soooo busy with work.
I should do it tomorrow.