I did a refresh of my workdesk tonight so I will be motivated to work later today—because I’m in no mood to work. 😢 So I hope a clean desk would inspire me to be organized later this morning and push myself to be productive. Ganbatte がんばって !
I got rid of the old gaming laptop that I used as a desktop for the past three years or so to free up space. It wouldn’t turn on anymore. 😶 Good thing I was able to retrieve important docs before it completely conked out. However, I still have some files there like interview recordings and similar stuff that I would like to download and transfer to my external hard drive.
Ah well, goodbye old machine, you served me well.

What was supposed to be a slow day for edits became a hectic one as I was informed by my friend, G, that the opening of the bids for the rehab of NAIA is ongoing. I went online to attend the opening of bids and quickly drafted a story.
The opening of bids is still ongoing as of this writing.

So much for taking it easy today 😶

This is my last glass of sparkling red grape to keep me sane today. This is my third bottle. I pretend that this is alcoholic because I can no longer have any of that. I haven’t had any coffee or tea for three weeks now. Occasional juice drinks but in small amounts. Got to be careful as stress triggers my stomach acids and I am a bit stressed today.
Workday is done, got my story published at 8 pm or thereabout. My girls are with their cousins in a hotspring resort and will spend the night there. My tiny home seems spacious now that I’m alone.
This morning Twin A attended a manga drawing workshop. It’s nice that I can finally let them go on their own without me having to ferry them to and from wherever they needed to be do whatever they need to do. Activities for teenagers are just within walking or short jeepney rides. In contrast, in QC they were so dependent on me; and if I’m too busy, they will just be stuck in the apartment and be on their computers the entire day.
So enjoy moments like this. I get my me time while my kids are enriching their lives. ❤️