I was feeling really horrible yesterday and I thought it was just because I had my period. Dysmenorrhoea when traveling is hell on earth. To relieve my aching body, I had another round of reflexology massage. I had enough time to kill anyway.
Welp, it made me feel much worse.
By the time I claimed my bags from the hotel concierge, I knew I couldn’t take the train. I booked Grab and slept on the way to the airport. Did the same while at the airport waiting for boarding time.
I was afraid that they would randomly check temperature and I would be pulled out and make me stay back, in case it was Covid. Thankfully they didn’t. I had an uncomfortable flight; I was in between feverish sleep and frequent urinating. Good thing I booked that seat near the toilet and was along the aisle.
The drive back home was equally horrendous and dangerous. I was falling asleep at the wheel that I had to stop at Petron along SLEX for a nap. Only when I was on my bed did I get a restful sleep.
I think I had UTI. My lower back where my kidneys are hurt so much. I relieved my symptoms with parcetamol and by drinking lots of water.
During my entire stay in SG I was having trouble going to the bathroom because I was waiting for my meeting, in a meeting, or on the way to a meeting.
I won’t schedule back to back meetings again.

Thankfully I feel better today so I was able to drive Twin A to her appointment with our pedia-hemato-onco. So far, so good. Her bilirubin is ok, her TB meds are not damaging her liver. Her uric acid has lowered to 7 from 9 but still high. We need to flush it down with lots of water and allopurinol.
And as I promised the girls, the next time we’re in BGC, we will see Van Gogh Alive (we missed da Vinci last month).

About 90% of those who paid P1,250 went there to have selfies or photos taken against Van Gogh images.
I’m one of those 10% who sat through the whole immersive audio-visual experience. I even repeated it to feel his art and its evolution, from the dark tradition of Netherlands to the bright and bold colors in France, especially his days in Arles. You could feel his desperation to tame the demons in his head during his days in Saint-Remy and his last days in Auvers. He loves yellow because it is a happy color—happiness is a feeling that he has been chasing all throughout his adult life.