Last night I was chasing the chairman of a conglomerate in a dinner party in Ortigas. I buttered up the personal body guards of the chairman, held up the elevator to ask him a critical question. Then I got a scoop! I drove all the way from south just for that one question. 😂 But it was all worth it.
Sometimes I do wonder where I get my gumption to do such things.
It was already midnight when I arrived home. 🥴
Then I woke up at 5 am to cook breakfast and tended to my cats’ needs and litter box 😭. Had a 20-min nap at 7 am but I was only able to get out of the house at 8:45 am because you know, mommy things. 🫠
I worked non-stop at the conference, chasing government officials from the Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia. I was supposed to stalk one Thai exec but, nah, I was writing stories and editing at the same time.
I’m exhausted.
I was just fuelled by the adrenalin rush that I get from being able to get scoops and write good stories.
This is m one of the two reasons why I am still here with this company for almost a decade: I like the work. The other reason is the flexibilty since I can work anywhere and however I want.
The drawback, however, is that I have forfeited the chance to quadruple my salary or increase my pay by ten-fold. That’s the only way you can jack up your income when you stick to being an employee—jump companies/jobs every two years.
I did try apply for other jobs or entertained those who wanted to pirate me. However, things didn’t pan out. Or maybe I was half-enthusiastic.
Speaking of income, I just realized I am so heavily invested in equities; I should start diversifying my portfolio this month. Start by buying units in mutual funds invested in global bonds, money market instruments, and a bit of equities. You know, the balanced fund.
I was just set back by medical expenses of my daughter but that’s ok. I still have 20 years to build up my retirement funds. Moreover, I shouldn’t stop working; I can still be a consultant until I’m old and gray.
Errr, I need to book my flight and hotel to Singapore for next week. I have already meetings and interviews lined up. My last hurrah for the year.