My girls are no longer little anymore. They are now more conscious of their appearance and young teenaged girls these days are more self-conscious and insecure of how they look compared to my generation as social media magnified this. While I was also very much self-conscious at 13, I couldn’t do anything about my looks because money was tight. Haircut was very basic. We shopped for clothes only twice a year—start of the school year and before Christmas.
Since I have more resources now compared to my parents when I was 13, I have permitted myself to treat my girls a few luxuries to lessen their insecurities. For example, a hair treatment and a haircut.

All my life I have always thought of myself as ugly or unattractive at best. Part of that is because I didn’t have cool clothes, shoes, and nice hair. At least I could ease that anxiety by giving the resources for my girls to have good haircuts.
Meanwhile, our adopted cat has settled in her box that I have provided. In the meantime, she will stay there to keep warm and be less exposed to other bully cats in the neighborhood.

Our vet says we shouldn’t adopt quickly because it would wreak havoc to our household as my indoor cats are very, very territorial. We should make Sushi and Kimchi get used to her. After my cats’ own vaccines and deworming are done (one more session to go), I will have this cat spayed and vaccinated.
This morning I went to the community market to buy 10L of eco-friendly dishwashing liquid and 1L of liquid handwash. Of course, it goes without saying, I bought food for the entire Sunday because I don’t want to cook. I cleaned the entire day yesterday (cleaning lady is off) so I don’t want to be a domestic slave this weekend.

I had too much calories last Friday when I drove my SIL and nephew to a city 30 mins away from us that I am toning it down today with vegetarian fare.