Tropical depression now active in our part of the world. Good thing I’m no longer in Metro Manila to suffer horrendous floods and traffic jams.
Last night was our global townhall meeting and almost 90% of the questions are about hiring. Long story short, no, we will not hire. Management will be very selective in hiring a.k.a. pirating from well-known competitors or companies in allied industries.
Good thing I didn’t fly to HK for this personal campaign of mine. I would have just wasted my time.
Meanwhile, in another editorial regional meeting today, the message is: AI will be replacing some work done by stringers.
Well, as I said before, if you’re a generalist, you will be replaced by AI or any Tom, Dick, or Harry that can edit videos. I wonder how long will it take them to replace us editors and reporters.
Meanwhile, this laptop is completely dead. Like the former owner of this machine. It would not power up anymore.

Good thing I was able to transfer all my files from the partition I did (Drive D) to my new PC but I wasn’t able to get the recordings of my interviews since they were in Drive C. For one last time, I will try to power this up to retrieve those because they’re my backup if some legal issues come up. (One of the reasons why I don’t throw away notebooks; handwritten notes stand in court as evidence.)