My girls just had their first school dance. Twin I did not win the Ms. Freshman title and she was a bit disappointed. I told her, don’t be so—you joined for fun. She said, no, because I am competitive. 😶😶😶
I told her, you’re just starting high school, you have several years ahead of you to do so many things. Don’t push yourself too much. You join this, you join that but at the end you complain that you have too many things to do and can’t go to bed early. 😑
Twin A, on the other hand, enjoyed herself so much that she was in danger of losing her voice because she was screaming with friends so much. No, I wasn’t there, of course, as this is just the story they told me.
Next week will be the parent-teacher conference. I’m not worried because they report everyday that both of them are the highest in exams in their respective classes (they belong to different sections). They’re scared that I would throw a fit if they get marks lower than 90%. Well, I haven’t thrown a hissy fit yet.

I struggled keeping myself awake this morning to cook because I got knocked out by diphenhydramine last night. My allergies were bad; there’s something in the air that triggers our histamines to go nuts. My sis-in-law and nephew are sniffling and coughing while my sisters’ rhinitis got pretty bad. I think the changing season has activated something from the forest around us.
Meanwhile, I haven’t booked anything yet for HK. I’m still torn.
However, it seems like the bed bug problems in Paris and New York have reached Seoul. Now HK is freaking out.

The problem with bed bugs, once you have them, it’s difficult to get rid of from your house.
So no, I haven’t booked anything yet.