I will continue to offend you. *dirty finger* Your ships keep on attacking our fishermen, in our waters, in our country.
My boss wants me to fly to HK mid-Nov because the global bosses are there. I won’t have any role there and I have minimal contacts there so it doesn’t make sense. What I need to pay attention to is Singapore–I’m in dire need of touching base with people there as there are so many things going on that I keep missing because I’m not physically there.
I just need a workable system now for my household to function even when I’m gone.
Another headache I need to tackle is Thailand. I just had a call with one of our commercial people and she said she couldn’t close a deal because of our lack of Thai content. It’s a large account. Cancellations, loss of potential revenue from deals that couldn’t be closed, lost opportunities…I just can’t. I asked her to push my bosses with an email citing the numbers. It’s really annoying that they’re looking at the wrong metrics for hiring additional resources. I cannot stretch myself too thinly to include Thailand into my areas to cover on the ground. It’s physically exhausting.
No one really understands Southeast Asia. 🤦♀️
If I were be forced to choose what is my favorite song of all time, one that I don’t get tired of listening to, it’s this:
I think I’ve loved this since hearing this in 1997 or 1998.
If I want to be transported to another dimension, I listen to this:
Nancy Wilson is the most badass female guitarist out there but this song doesn’t showcase that. I just love her uncomplicated singing here that matched the ethereal melody. But if God would grant me a voice, I would ask for Ann Wilson’s.
Meanwhile, the best version of Californication is this. John and Flea just jamming at the intro is just *chef’s kiss*.
And this one, what the hell?! Prince really is an underrated guitar/bass player. What a smooth transition from lead guitar to bass playing. Whew!
And this is what I do on Friday nights: watch master drummers do a duet.