We are in a health crisis. I have been battling with our water utility for a year now and their service is still shitty as hell. Aside from having my own water filter system at home to use for washing dishes etc, we order our drinking water from purified water vendors.
Twin I was the first one to go down. Twin A now has amoebiasis and we just had been prescribed a couple of medicines for my immunocompromised patient this evening. My brother’s youngest is also sick with similar symptoms. I went a step further by buying only distilled bottled water, the huge jugs, from Alfamart and sterilized our water bottles at home.
I complained about this to the shareholder company, which is one of the conglomerates I have been covering regularly. After the complaint, the water utility staff went to our home to get samples. I haven’t heard from them yet. 😑
What puzzles me is the household next door isn’t affected. We have the same purified water vendor and same pipe from our water utility. Maybe the lunch in their school cafeteria is to blame? 🤔
I would have to make some noise tomorrow or on Tues. This is disgusting. Why is it my burden to find a vendor that will provide me with safe drinking water when we’re already paying for a service that is supposed give us that?! I will report this to the Dept of Health and the National Water Regulatory Board. I will have to make them regret that they haven’t gotten their shit together after a year. While I don’t have confidence in this government under Marcos Jr, at least what I could do is bring this to the mainstream media as public awareness and to shame utilities.
But then, mainstream media—what is mainstream media now? The big voice of the Fourth Estate has been diminished. This article in Nieman Lab is a testament to the state of journalism now. It has been going on for a decade now, but the bitterness has not been felt so much as it is now.

We’re dying.
I’m tired.