We’re cleared by our hemato-oncologist!
Thank you, Lord!
The high uric acid though is still a puzzle so we need to re-test in a different lab. If it’s still the same, then we tackle it slowly. Our doctor’s worry is that Twin A’s kidneys and liver may get affected if it remains elevated. Let’s see if it’s still the same even after her TB treatment ends. It has been documented that one of the components of the anti-TB therapy causes uric acid levels to rise.
But it’s a small worry compared to the alternative, which is chemotherapy. Thank you, thank you, Lord! Even though I knew, from my basic understanding of her MRI result, that it was TB all along, it is still such a relief to be cleared of the possibility of colon cancer or any form of cancer. We just need to meet this doctor every month and have another MRI after three months or in January to check whether the inflammation will be gone by then. Our IDS is currently still incapacitated as her son is still admitted in PGH. I didn’t have the heart to ask what happened to our IDS’ son. Probably the treatment is aggressive because they chose to stay in the hospital while undergoing the chemo rounds. Our hema-onco and our IDS have talked about my daughter’s case and the latter decided to keep the quad treatment i.e. RHZE and not yet adjust the dosage and combination.
We celebrated this win with a book on drawing from Kinokuniya x Fullybooked. Twin A was a contestant in the UN Day poster-making contest yesterday but it’s still unclear if she won because her name was called and was given a medal for being the third placer but the poster presented was not hers. 🤔 Weird.

As I promised my girls, we went to ArtMart in BGC.

And across the street, Twin A and I went inside Art Caravan to check out art materials.

And going to the Van Gogh exhibition—oops! Sold out. Next visit next month we’ll reserve tickets.