Final histopath diagnosis:

I don’t know if I should see the word malignancy in this.
The second opinion CT reading had nothing about lymphoma there but it says “suggestive of gastrointestinal tuberculosis versus peritoneal carcinomatosis if with a known primary malignancy.”

As expected, the AFB and TB PCR were negative for MTB. Is it because when the biopsy was done, the patient was already done with Day 10 of her anti-TB meds therefore there is not enough MTB to work with? I don’t know. Dr. Google is making me nervous.
But then, a Philippines-based research showed only 10% of the samples showed positive AFB for peritoneal fluid.
I have to go back for the MTB culture after 6-8 weeks.
For now, I would just have to wait until Saturday and see what our hema-onco would tell me. Then our IDS next week.
Should I ask our hema-onco for some more tests?!

And this is how the world looked like when I left the Malate/UP Manila area this afternoon.

And it was not just Manila; it’s most of Metro Manila.
Sis-in-law and I stopped by Makati Med so she can visit her friend who just had her benign cysts removed from her uterus. While I was waiting for her to conclude her visit, I loitered around Ayala North Exchange, which was attached to the hospital.

I need to bring Twin I to the hospital tomorrow for the TB blood test, just to make sure she is TB-free and not incubating inside longer than Twin A did. I’ll have CBC in the mix because her cousin next door is contagious. He has bacterial flu. Twin I started having colds yesterday and full-blown asthma now.
Since I knew this day would be stressful for me, I wanted to start it with something nice for my brood before driving off to PGH.

I grilled porkchops for lunch and dinner for them since I knew I would be coming home late.

I don’t have to worry about producing too much smoke to disturb the neighbors. Well, my neighbor is my mom and I’m too far back to cause coughing or bring smells into her house.
Meanwhile, my cats are watching.

I’m happy to report that Sushi has been getting thicker compared to how she was when we were still in QC. She seems to prefer this environment from the previous one she grew up in.