
Who the hell wrote on our home care docs that it would take 8 weeks before I could claim our histopathology report?!

Good thing I was persistent in pursuing it with PGH Surgical Lab the entire day today (calling trunklines non-stop) or else I would have waited 6 weeks before retrieving them! 🤬

So tomorrow I will be driving to PGH to get the results from the Medical Research Lab and Surgical Lab, plus the final CT scan reading. To settle this once and for all. Then we march to our hema-onco’s clinic at St. Luke’s BGC on Saturday. I can’t wait for this to be over and done with. If it’s lymphoma, then at least we can already get the course of treatment set. If it’s really TB, then hurrah! We can finally move on.

I hate this suspense. It’s driving me nuts. It sends my anxiety to the stratosphere and my gastric acids are having a field day that I needed to pop Omeprazole into my mouth.

To make matters worse, I am needed in Singapore ASAP, but I can’t move until I get clarity over my daughter’s health. My senior reporter refused to travel to HK in November for our APAC-wide event because he got tired from his travels last month while I was out of commission. Now they know how I feel when I was flying out every month before I halted travel last month to concentrate on my daughter. I was supposed to be in HK last week but I cancelled everything while we were still in our local pediatrician’s clinic because I knew it was a dire situation. At that time I was only thinking surgery was my biggest worry. How wrong I was.

So come what may. I just need a final—really final diagnosis. For all we know it could be an autoimmune disease that is accompanying Twin A’s TB that’s why her TSH and uric acid are high. My aunt had lupus so it’s not impossible.

Kimchi having her midday sleep on my table. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

I wish I could relax like my cats. I wish I could finally take a holiday break from all these.