It’s UTI. 😓
“What if this is UTI?” I asked our resident doctor when she told me the bad news that we had to be held back by 24 hrs + because of the fever.
She asked me, why do you think that? Her look was like, you are so random, Mommy.
I said, well, you know, in all the years I’ve been a mom, when fevers suddenly come out of nowhere and they’re high, 60-70% of the time it’s UTI.
Then I doubted myself because of that uric acid.
So overnight I held a vigil but failed (was too damn tired) to watch out for fever. Well, the highest temp my girl had was 37.6, which is not really a fever, at around 4 am.
Urinalysis showed that yes, it’s UTI and Twin A is on oral antibiotics now. So far so good.
As for the uric acid, the resident explained to me (well, she was also the one who also told me about the possibility of malignancy) that since cells are being destroyed (by the anti-TB meds), uric acid is released as a by-product.
That’s why our IDS is unperturbed. Our hema-onco, of course is hyper-vigilant, since my daughter’s genes are whacked (from my side and her dad’s side). She wants us back after I have gotten all the biopsy results and do another scan. There’s still this possibility of malignancy hanging over our heads.
We got discharged today but it’s very short notice so no one is available to fetch us. I decided to book a room with two queen beds at I’m Hotel in Makati because I want to treat my exhausted self. I needed to free up the room at PGH because a patient has been waiting for it since Thursday, poor kid.

I will still have battles ahead since I need to drive my daughter back and forth PGH for check ups. Plus the dreaded histopathology report.

For now, I’m luxuriating for a bit and will have a two hour massage later and take advantage of the unlimited access to onsen and sauna.
One victory at a time.