In a sick twist of whatever, her uric acid climbed again. She had a fever at 3:30 am, 12 hrs after her first fever in a week.
Our hema-onco is worried but the lead now is our IDS so the decision lies now with the latter. Hema-onco mentioned something about doing MRI since our histopathology will take 8 weeks to finish. I can see in her eyes what she is thinking.
But I spoke with our IDS later today and she was not that worried about the uric acid until she sees how much it has gone up today. She hasn’t seen the bloodwork yet. She said the fevers may be part of the TB infection but they’re making sure so they’re checking everything. An ultrasound may be in the mix because a dull abdominal pain has been bothering Twin A.
If my daughter won’t have a fever today or tonight, then we might go home tomorrow.
I trust their judgment but I’m apprehensive about that uric acid that fluctuates.

I have aged 20 years or more in the course of three weeks. At least this week I exerted effort to make myself presentable to feel human again.
But you know, in the grand scheme of things, looks and material things don’t matter. If I aged 20 years, so be it, as long as I have my daughters with me. I promise myself that I will make a lot more memories with them, take a lot of photos of those moments, and cherish the mundane. To tell them I love them everyday.
I told Twin A that I don’t care if I remain single forever as long as we three are all together until they fly out of the coop. That’s all I ask in this life.
I told her, I have not aspired to climb the ladder in our company even though I could because that means I will be flying all over the region every month. That’s not what I want for us, especially with what we’re experiencing right now.
So please, get well, little one. We will have more adventures and memories to create. Make the best of what we have in the present.