They did again all the tests. They stopped the TB meds and antibiotics except for one since she really does have an infection but we don’t know if it’s from abscess or what.
They found my daughter has a high level of uric acid so they’re flushing it out with fluids and allopurinol.
The attending resident told me it could indicate tumor or malignancy so they need to clear it first before digging further.
Spoke with our pediatric hemato-oncologist and she said she is doing other tests that are not as invasive as a bone marrow biopsy.
Just as when I was hoping this could be TB…
God, I’m crashing. Hopeful one day, crashing today.
I want to trade places. My child has a whole future ahead of her. I would gladly give up mine so she could have that chance at life. I don’t have anything else to pursue in life, I just want to successfully launch my children into the world and give them the best life I could.
Quick reversal of situation. Our hema-onco decided with the team (infectious diseases and a surgeon) to do intervention biopsy but not in the bone marrow. Once the CT scan reading is done, they would know where to do the biopsy.
They redid all the tests and doing more tests because their instruments are more sensitive and the readers are more thorough compared to our previous hospital. Which is true, because they didn’t catch the high uric acid in our former hospital. Our hema-onco told us that the previous scan readings and the bloodwork were not detailed as our current doctors would want them to be.
My anxiety is so high right now that I think I will go insane. It’s a wonder how I was able to write a story today and submit for editing.
I am assured by my siblings that we are in good hands as we have the best specialists and subspecialists in the country so they know what they’re doing. Our IDS doctor assured me that they have seen it all.
I no longer know what to think and feel. I’m storming heaven with my prayers. I don’t have a past and a future. What I have now is only the present.