Not in the mood to do anything. I’m hormonal right now (but I’m glad that I still have my period—that means I’m not that old yet). I have too many things on my plate and it’s overwhelming me.

I needed to get out and buy more veggies and replace this lettuce plant with new ones. My home office—actually my whole house—is closing in on me. I’m getting restless but I still have work to finish.

I decided to take the public transport because driving my big car is more trouble. Parking space is hard to come by in our town. I needed to buy *stuff* from Handyman because I wanted to get out. Might as well buy the things I keep forgetting to buy when I run errands. I can do my emails on my phone. If they come looking for me, I just say I stepped out of office. That’s it.
I needed to see the outside world.

I don’t know where this restlessness is coming from. Was it because of what I wrote yesterday? How do I address it? Should I even do anything about it?