Back to chaos

Trying out the other set because I don’t have any appointments in the next few weeks so I have no opportunity to justify this purchase.

I took the selfie photos of me (from the other day and this) wearing the sets so I can show my bestfriend, who wanted to see my jewelry haul after I told her about the expo. She said she loved it and they were really a steal for the price I quoted to her. She said she was also a magpie for leaving Singapore last month with a couple of Pandora purchases 🤣. That’s why we’re besties; I think we’ll end up in the poorhouse because we will be encouraging each other’s frivolous shopping.

Anyway, I was traveling for 12 hrs yesterday and it was such a drag. I left the hotel at 8:30 am and arrived at my own home at 8:30-ish pm last night. We were delayed by 30-45 mins yesterday since the runway in NAIA was congested so my plane had to hover around Manila Bay until it got clearance to land.

This is precisely why we should have this freaking airport rehabilitated ASAP. We shouldn’t be wasting expensive jet fuel flying around in circles above Manila Bay because we only have one runway. We also shouldn’t be spending hours lining up at the check-in counter to drop our bags even though we already did the online check-in. We shouldn’t be stuck at the immigration gates because of human ego—in the case of the BI officers who are fond of power plays. Why can’t we have nice things like these, like a very smooth check-in process and immigration clearance because everything is automated?

You print your bag tags and boarding passes yourself at Changi Terminal 2. Photo by
See, no snaking lines at Changi Terminal 2! Photo by

But then, idiot Filipinos keep voting for dumb and corrupt people who reflect their own values. Then they turn it into a class war. Choosing non-corrupt and straight-shooting people is deemed elitist by the idiotic electorate. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Yesterday’s delayed landing allowed me to sort of finish Everything Everywhere All At Once. It was an absurd and hilarious movie and yet it made me tear up. The plot sounds so fantastic and it’s hard to describe on paper but at the core of it is about family. Especially Asian families with generational trauma caused by unfulfilled expectations. Asian families tend to put you in a box and if you don’t fit in that box that generations before you have maintained, you are tainted and deemed not deserving the love and praises of your parents, of your ancestors. I understand why people walked out of that movie—it was chaotic. These are the people who are not exposed to anime storytelling, which can involve jumping from one universe to another so casually. The people who are not exposed to post-modernism, to art that is borne outside of the box, will hate it. It has a brilliant script and great cast. I fully approve the Oscar awards given to these people.

In one multiverse, Waymond told the Evelyn who turned him down to pursue an acting career, that a poorer and struggling life with her would have been better instead of their current situation wherein they end up always breaking each other’s hearts.

I got my luggage at 4 pm, got picked up by ParkNFly’s shuttle at 5 pm because the traffic from their office to T3 was beyond horrendous. Photo by
Got out of ParkNFly at 6 pm and drove for 2.5 hrs—traffic was que horrible going south because of the rains. Photo by

As a side note, I got annoyed when SIA served us with this Singaporean ice cream.

Such a bad name for an ice cream brand. Such bad marketing, look at that tagline! Photo by

J used to call me this and at that time I was tolerating it because he was being playful with me. I had that twisted reasoning in my head that “at least he is being affectionate towards me”—that beggars-can’t-be-choosers mindset—because I didn’t feel loved and I accepted any loose change thrown my way. He always thought of me as a cow in some way or another. That’s how he made fun of me. I was nothing more than a cow to him. I never received flowers or nice gestures from him whereas the woman he cheated on me with (whom my girls stalked on social media) showed off the flowers he gave her (my girls had shown me), the beer he had with her on that balcony table that I had made for him which I paid for. He didn’t treat me nicely; I was not special. I was just always a cow.

I will never let anyone treat me like or call me a cow ever again.

I hate this ice cream.