Working ’til I break

Ready to do business.

Aaaaand I got two stories today 👏 but most of my day was devoted to admin stuff that is driving me nuts. At least I had my PH reporter’s trip to Cebu for a three-day conference approved. I’m still struggling with the other trips for my other reporters that I must push for approval. 😕 When overall business climate is shit, it’s hard to have every single request for activities that will cost a lot of money approved.

Because the world is still battling with this sticky high inflation rates. Possibility of recession (maybe already in recession) depends where you are in the world. But it can’t be denied that all central banks now are like firefighters—they’re digging through their policy tool kits for whatever they can throw at inflation to tame it. So far they haven’t been that successful. They have stemmed the somersaulting rates but the full effects of these rate hikes are still being unraveled in the real economy. Many now are struggling with the increase in their home and auto mortgage. Many companies are laying off workers, especially SMEs and the startups. Even the large global funds are struggling to raise new capital or many are being forced by their investors to cash in on their portfolios—so many of them are forced to sell despite the harsh conditions and large valuation mismatch.

Hmmm, somebody is playing Scrabble at the office. Photo by

Let’s see how things will progress this week. I just want to go gallivanting; I’m so stressed. I learned from one of our sales teams during our call this afternoon that some of our clients have cancelled their subscription because of the lack of Thai content. So it’s a chicken and egg situation. 😩

Whatever am I going to do? It’s a constant struggle everyday.

The golden hour. I wanted to just do nothing and stare at the view and probably feel the rays of the sun but work I must. Photo by

I feel like it’s a failure on my part; but then management and I don’t see eye to eye. Sometimes I just want to be brainless; like those social climbing bitches who do not care about the world around them and just sip their cocktails while taking selfies with duck lips. It’s so stressful to care too much; to be passionate about my profession and the world around me. To be hyper-aware of what’s happening to the world.

Maybe that’s what attracts me to freediving—it’s just between me, my breathing, and the sea. Some troubles melt away and the world is shut out.

I need to paint now but I didn’t bring my kit. 🙁