Idiotic woman, hoarse voices

I wanna kick myself.

I booked the wrong return flight from Singapore to Manila, essentially cutting one whole day for meetings.

You see, I was already tired from work and still very, very sick (heavily drugged) when I booked my roundtrip ticket to Singapore via Singapore Airlines tonight. What I thought was 11:30 pm was actually 11:30 am on a Friday. Meaning I need to leave my hotel at 8 am, therefore, I can no longer arrange meetings and whatnot on my last working day there. I need to pack the training for the new journos within four days. I just have to beg sources to meet me on specific days 😭.

I tried rebooking but I didn’t know that the ticket I picked was the no-reschedule, no-cancellation kind. I was told that if I rebook, I would have to pay an additional USD 200. I think people from accounting will kill me.

So woman, next time pay attention!

Oh well, let’s see if I can rearrange some meetings for August and September when I get back. I’m really not thrilled with getting stuck in an airport again. 😑

It’s a wet and busy Monday. We’re all hoarse and coughing/barking like dogs here. This is one nasty flu we got. I say we should return to mask-wearing. We reduced flu incidence by more than half in this household when strict mask-wearing was enforced. 😷

It has been raining so we’re house-bound. Photo by

I’m torn between going to see a pediatrician for my girls for some antibiotic or we wait a bit more and let the antibodies do their job. I am always in a dilemma when it comes to this because I’m afraid of overmedicating that could lead to antiobiotic resistance, but I’m also scared whenever I hear my girls coughing like that because what if it was already pneumonia?

But then, I remember their pulmonologist at St. Luke’s QC telling me that I shouldn’t worry about the coughing after an asthma attack. Those are residual coughs and I shouldn’t overmedicate by making them nebulize for more than a week. The cough will just go away after a week or two. As for acute bronchitis, CDC has this to say:

Acute bronchitis usually gets better on its own—without antibiotics. Antibiotics won’t help you get better if you have acute bronchitis.

When antibiotics aren’t needed, they won’t help you, and their side effects could still cause harm

Ok, if their coughing remains bad tomorrow, we need to go to the doctor… Ooops! Their pulmonologist’s schedule is MWFS. 🤕

Screw genetics. I’m sorry girls, you took after asthmatic mommy, and received all her allergies.

It’s 4 pm but it’s already dark. Photo by

It’s cooler today that I haven’t turned on my aircon yet.

I’m drugged. I’m coughing my lungs out. I’m miserable.