The headache that has been attacking me since last night lasted throughout the whole morning today. I was rendered useless for half of the day as I needed to sleep off my mind-numbing headache. I don’t know if this was exacerbated by being woken up at 2:30 am because I could hear the water pressure pump working overtime. It should just pump in quick spurts all throughout the day but this time it was going on and on for 10-15 mins. There was probably a leak somewhere next door that’s why the water didn’t stop flowing; I had to turn the pump off.
By 6:30 am I was up again because I had to turn on the pressure pump again. And there you go, another series of headache attacks.

All my good intentions of writing two stories are gone. I ended up just editing and messaging sources. I need to work my brain overtime tonight so at least I could write one decent article before I fly on Sunday.
Since it’s just the three of us, my girls are cooking their own snacks now. Here’s Twin A making fries

Meanwhile, my staircase has been cleared of tarpaulin so I can see now how it looks like. The way how my girls and nephew use the landing has made me decide what to do with it. I think outdoor chairs or a bench and a cafe umbrella will make it an extra lounge area.

Since the girls are out tonight with the kuyas and their tita (my SIL), I didn’t exert effort in cooking so i just had instant pancit with green onions and kimchi.

Nothing. I didn’t write. My nephews and SIL came here to bring the girls back and they had dinner here and we just chatted the night away. So there goes productivity…pffffffft!
I’ll just work early tomorrow. *Sigh*