It’s not completely a leisurely day for me but this is the first weekend that I can afford to go slow and do less. Thanks to my cleaning lady who comes every Saturday, the tedious chore of laundering clothes and folding them is off my shoulders. The mopping and polishing of my floor is also off my list of things I must do.
So I booked a massage for 1 hr and 40 mins plus a pedicure session. Wohoo it has been a month since I did this for myself.

I shopped for meat and veggies after pampering myself, just to try this Fresh Options meat shop and to check out other veggie stores. Now that my fridge is filled, I invited my nephews and SIL to dinner. I needed to use the rice in my fridge so I made them kimchi fried rice. I was satisfied with what I made 🍚. I emptied my freezer of viands I had cooked yesterday and fed my extended brood.
I am still feeling my way, trying to settle into some kind of rhythm to make ourselves more at home. We’re still in a limbo—well I’m still in a limbo. This is my own home and yet I’m still not at home, if you know what I mean. I’m still finding my footing.
Once I am done with my errands here and fixing/putting away stuff from our move, I will try to start my exercises i.e. brisk walking. When the university pool opens, I will swim probably once a week then make it three times a week. Good thing I already had applied for my alumni card.
Tomorrow I will cook dinner for my best friend, a housewarming of sorts. She requested for either chicken rice or bak kut teh. Well, I can make both.