I slept early last night after pampering myself with an hour-long bath. I scrubbed myself with bath salt scrub, stayed in the tub until the hot water cooled, and did a full skin care pampering on my face.

And I zonked out. But every now and again I got awakened because Twin I kept rotating all over the bed. It was an uneasy night. 😑
It’s 2 pm and we’re still not budging. We’re still in bed 😂. Lovely.

Ah, hungry. Need to get ready to eat at a Korean drinking place. Of course, on a Good Friday. Just like years ago before I had kids, I stayed at Maxims and played at the slot machines on a Holy Thursday. For a hundred peso initial game, I won 7k. 😂

In the end, we got the kid-friendly Korean fried chicken. They didn’t want jjajamyeon.