Yesterday I went to Greenhills to buy 10 m of ethernet cable for my sisters because they have crappy wifi. I bought a new router for me and I will give them my old one so I can lay the ethernet cable up to the second floor of their house and hook up my old router there.

Then I will lay more ethernet cables so their laptops can directly connect to thw router or they can use the stronger wifi signal. They’re setting up a new office in the former TV area, which they also use as their yoga room. I will do that on the 13th, after all of humanity returns to Metro Manila.

The roads were clogged yesterday but today—hallelujah!—it’s all so clear.

It’s supposed to be so peaceful but my girls are so loud because they brought a friend with them to swim in the hotel’s pool. She will be picked up by her mom tonight after work. Meanwhile, I wonder how we can manage because there is no way we can fit in this bed.

I got a junior suite. Ummm…this is so small for a junior suite. 😑 I was expecting a king bed.

I’ll take a walk outside for a bit to savor the deserted Ortigas CBD. 🙃