
This was a downer. I mean, if there was a brand that I would be assured of leather quality, it’s Bottega Veneta and Goyard. But apparently, no. It’s just like Louis Vuitton, which is peddling monogrammed PVC as a luxury item. USD 650 or over PHP 35k for a leather-coated plastic wallet—what a scam! I think I’m better off with locally made real leather bags and wallets. My Our Tribe handbag is already nine years old but it is still like new. I just had the zipper changed by their factory outlet but that’s it. I have another bag from this brand that I don’t use because it’s made of real heavy leather. Built like a tank. I wanted it to get destroyed so I have an excuse to buy a new one but I think it will outlast me.

Cheaper brands are better in this regard since the manufacturing cost is closer to the selling price, albeit it’s still 3x the real cost. So far my Kate Spade bags have yet to see any wear and still looks new despite being older than my kids. My Michael Kors bag is already showing wear since I often use it when I go abroad because it’s so roomy!

I couldn’t stomach buying PHP 100k worth of bag. Yes, I’m looking at you, Gucci.

As a I said, I would rather replenish my ETF and VUL that were drained because I am building my house. A Bottega Veneta leather-coated plastic wallet worth PHP 35k will not build me a house.

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After sleeping away most of my morning, I had to pull myself out of bed and do errands. It was a nice day to be out. Maybe tomorrow if I get off early from work, I should take advantage of the dry but still a bit cooler days.

However, I could already feel the dry and hot days coming sooner than I expected.

I’m still awake because I’m doing this annual maintenance thing:

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I’m reseting my Windows OS and reinstalling apps/programs that did not come with this laptop. A bit painful but my PC is already running faster as I was able to get rid of a lot of junk that I may have picked up along the way.

So sleepy…

I think I need to see my OB-Gyne. Something is really wrong with me.

Please no. I’m not yet prepared. I hope that it is not what it is.

I just pray that I catch it early.

Why do I always torture myself by comparing myself to others? I really go out of my way to bring myself down, don’t I? Every person has her own pace and I can’t use others’ success or way of living as a measuring stick for myself. But then I can’t help it. I guess it’s exacerbated by social media, where everybody “humble brags” about everything and I can’t stomach doing the same thing myself.

But why do I need to do that? Who do I need to impress?

Well, nobody really.

I am now scolding myself for thinking that I’m worthless and that how others treated me in the past shouldn’t be the way I should view myself. Those people are no longer important and shouldn’t be the basis for gaining self-worth. I should just matter to my children, who are my world now and I also mean the world to them.

You do you, as the GenZ kids would say.

I should just strive to be the best I can be and don’t mind the others.

But then it’s easy for me to say that. Damn, this overthinking is killing me.