8 km

Nope, I couldn’t make it to 1.5 hrs 😂 Doing so would be suicide. I decided to take a more leisurely pace and enjoy the fresh air. My ave heart rate is just about right, based on the formula by Mayo Clinic.

A bit cloudy today. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

I decided to cut through the park infront of the Main Library so I can feel the trees.

This pathway is finally completed. Photo by CallMeCreation.com
This is the park where we found puppies. One puppy wanted to come with us but we couldn’t take it home at that time because somebody owned them. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

I would have wanted to take a water break here but if I sat down, my motivation to keep going and walk back home would have diminished. I opted to keep going.

When I was near the College of Arts and Letters after cutting through that park, I had cut across again to pass through the winding paths of the Lagoon. Photo by CallMeCreation.com

I missed being under the trees so I went through the Lagoon and walked through the UP Ampitheater to go back to Delos Reyes Street then come out of CP Garcia so I can go back home.

Of course, I shouldn’t stop there. I must stretch myself into oblivion and try to earn back the sculpted abs I had when I was 20 years old 🤪

Nope, we must stop this insanity.

No, I will never go back to my old body. My legs are screaming in protest. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

But I feel good. At least I know that my stamina is still the same. If we’re talking about playing football for an hour, yes I could still do that since my endurance is still intact despite my age but my knees will no longer cooperate. That’s why footballers—we’re talking about the very fit ones—retire at past age 35. It’s because of knees and other injuries on the shin bone and tarsals. David Beckham retired at 38 and that’s considered a ripe age already in football.

Egg drop/Nido soup for dinner. Must keep calories down.

The beautiful thing about getting tired this way is that I can finally sleep for 7 hours straight. It could be more than that but I needed to go to the bathroom so I had to get out of bed. Plus this morning I needed to work early as I was set to present updates about Southeast Asia, especially on the legal front, to the commercial team. Good thing I already finished my power point presentation a day before.

I couldn’t go home tomorrow to my hometown to talk to my contractor since they have started preliminary works on the construction of my house. The auto shop where I brought my car for the final paint job, buffing, and polishing did not start on time 🤬. They said I could only get it back on Monday—the day my plate number is banned on major roads. So instead of getting it tomorrow, I’m getting it Monday evening then I drive on Tuesday very early morning to my hometown then Wednesday I drive to BGC to meet bankers for lunch.

So I’ll take it easy tomorrow since I published a big scoop today. Or maybe I can be a little extra and write another story.

*I choose to refrain from writing about current events this week because my stress levels shoot through the stratosphere whenever I open Twitter. I should choose my battles.