Yes. Forgive me. I’m spending my money on useless things that aren’t really helping with productivity. They just make me enjoy typing and some occasional game playing.

This CPSTECH RF84 mechanical keyboard is much better than Royal Kludge when it comes to modes of connectivity. Its Bluetooth, 2.4G wireless dongle, and wired connections are working well whereas Royal Kludge is only usable on wired mode. It has ghosting and freezing issues when used as a wireless (both dongle and bluetooth) keyboard and it gets into conflict with my Logitech mouse (which is on 2.4G dongle). Plus the lack of arrow keys is a deal-breaker since it’s hard to edit articles. I always needed to use Fn+?, Fn +Win, Fn + Ctrl to be able to use the arrow functions. It slows me down significantly.
However, I’m keeping the Royal Kludge keeb because I like the blue switches. They’re clickety-clackety.

I was swapping the blue switches of the RK61 with the Otemu red switches of the RF84 but I had been bending the copper contact points whenever I installed each switch so I stopped this foolishness.

Then I downloaded Lord of the Rings. Goodbye productivity.

And I also bought Worms Rumble…and I always get demolished in every death match I get to enter because it has been 22 years since I last played this franchise! Of course I needed some time to get myself reacquainted with it. I enjoy strategy games better than RPGs. What’s enjoyable with Worms is that the characters are ridiculously cute and absurd while they annihilate each other with weapons of mass destruction. I often chose worms that speak Japanese and English with Scottish/Gaelic accent—that was 22 years ago7🤣😂. I haven’t tried the other languages this time but I got myself a tattoo and some weird headgear. As a worm. 🤣🤣🤣
I remember my father commenting then about my “weird” games whenever he caught me playing until 2 am…
Meanwhile, I think I need to buy myself a controller because I plan to buy Stray.

The reason why I get killed all the time in Worms is because I get slowed down by the keyboard + mouse combo. I guess my fate would be worse in Stray. I don’t want a cat to be eviscerated on screen just because I’m slow on a keyboard.
Oh dear…this will never end. Next thing I know, I will be buying a huge-ass TV and an absurdly priced gaming chair to play these games in our new flat. Then my nephews would be crowding into my living/kitchen area to play because my internet connection would be the best that I could afford while theirs remains pfffftttttt…😂😂😂
I should really, really stop this keyboard nonsense
Now I need a bigger table or a peg board to accommodate all my keyboards. 🤣