This, my friends, is the president of the Philippines, who does not have any idea how inflation works. It hurt my head this afternoon while reading the transcripts of the live reports about his first presscon. As I tweeted:
“Dear BSP Gov Medalla, can you explain to him the difference between actual inflation and the BSP target inflation range? Can you also tell him that inflation is not opinion, it is not rumor.”
Speaking of BSP, the event on Friday is cancelled. I was told by fellow reporters that the Finance Secretary has COVID and yet he attended the turnover of governorship yesterday. So everyone is quarantined and likely infected. Including reporters. Some banker sources I have also have COVID. I called up Hotel Jen and asked for a reschedule of my booking given the circumstances.
And speaking of tweet, I had no outlet for this incident early this morning. I couldn’t scream, I couldn’t do anything but this:

It was Sushi. She was patiently waiting for me to open the door so I can marvel at her offering. It was 2 am and I wanted to go to the bathroom when I saw it. I needed to pee so badly so I just made my way down saying ewwww eeewwwww eeewwwww. Then I quickly headed back to my room and shut my door. I let Ate C deal with it. I was just so befuddled to get rid of a dead baby rat that crossed from the messy neighbors at 2 am.

I asked Ate C if the mouse was intact. She said yes. Did it have any blood? She said no. Then I think Sushi just played with it. Good. I don’t want to think about my clean cats, whom I painstakingly bathe while they give me cuts and bites, eating a rat. *barf*
Because of that lovely present and disturbed sleep, I spent the rest of the day harboring this massive headache.