I’m freaking toasted and my body hurts.

I took several passengers with me while I paddled for two hours around the cove. My sister, who took the picture using the best of her Samsung’s zooming power, was praying that we don’t drift into the open sea. She thought we weren’t in control of the kayak but it’s just my mom and I were more adventurous than she thought.

First I took Twin A with me but she got tired and then we went back to shore after one lap around the cove. Then it was Twin I’s turn, who was more interested in the jetski-pulled water-something ride. Of course she can’t ride that because there is a height/age requirement. She was put out and didn’t want to kayak that far.

When it was my mom’s turn, she wanted to go farther. If only we could go near the cliffs, we would but we were warned that the rocks there are sharp and our kayak may get sliced.
So for two hours we just did laps around the cove and burned ourselves to a crisp.

I wasn’t able to bring the diving gear from the car, which was parked at the country club, which was a bit of a distance. So we decided to cool off at the country club pools. And got burned some more.
Diving forgotten. I slept the rest of the day. 🙄
Anyway, the corals aren’t great based on ocular inspection from above the kayak.
I was so tired that I fell asleep on this:

I’m going to get me one like this in our new home. ❤️
But of course this is hardly the best place to sleep if you just got toasted. Went to sleep inside our cold cave of a room in the two-bedroom condo we rented in Pico de Loro. Now, as a consequence, I wasn’t able to wake up in time for cycling around the lagoon.
But then I’m still tired, brown, and aching.
Today’s words of wisdom are brought to you by Instagram again.