Because what my friend sent me yesterday opened up fresh wounds, I spent a huge chunk of my day Googling, “What if your partner rejects your children from previous relationship?”
Oh boy, a lot of, let’s say, eye opening responses to that Quora question. The gist: It’s the children who always lose. Walk away if your partner does not accept that you are a package deal.
This is the reason why he said he is dumping me. He could not accept that we are a package deal and he explicitly said so in my face.
It took me two months before I tried dissecting this. There are still several missing pieces that I need to solve like me being a sugar mommy, and being lied to (why he went back to the US twice leaving me hanging, and when I caught his phone had accessed the inside of his ex-gf’s Facebook account–yes he was logged in on her account and I could not be mistaken because I wrote it down on my journal that day. He fibbed and because I was blind, I accepted his feeble excuse that I could no longer remember but I remember it was bullshit).
But I digress.
I needed to understand and nobody could explain to me the psychology behind such rejection. Desperate for answers so I can finally blot him out, I went to Google as my last resort.
I came across this response:
I don’t have kids.. So I’m going to assume that as a good father/man you would put your child/s before me at any given moment. GREAT fathers would agree. Being that I don’t have kids, I just can’t get with that. I admire you for being such a great dad but I do not like that I come 2nd, 3rd, or 4th. Only because in my world, you’d be #1 as the King you should be, so why should I have to settle? I want my kid/s to be your kid/s. From 1st to last child. I want a marriage. I want a family. I want unity!
Keyshia Bby
I guess that’s how he rolls too.
How do I get closure from this rejection of children thing? This response gave me the answer. It’s too long to post here but this basically says he has to love them as his own and I guess I am not enough for him to love me wholly, package and all.
So we go back to what my friend sent me yesterday, that Instagram post about letting them leave if they want to go. Yes, there’s no point of him staying and being in my life when he cannot even love me and has in fact rejected me. He doesn’t even know what he wants. I was just an interim thing, a panakip-butas (void filler).
Too many guys think I’m a concept, or I complete them, or I’m gonna make them alive. But I’m just a fucked-up girl who’s looking for my own peace of mind; don’t assign me yours.
Clementine Kruczynski, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind