I’ve been blind for months and months or probably years. I didn’t realize that he has shut down his life from me. Limited my access to his social media, like I’m some kind of stranger. Before, I could still see snippets but he moved to limit my access to everything about him more than usual months or even a year before we broke up. I didn’t even know what was going on in his head. I couldn’t see him. And nobody knows about me from his side. Like I didn’t exist.
How could I have been so blind?
I realized he just used me.
He stuck with me until he got more stable and independent. Then ditched me.
When he was down and out, at his lowest, I was there for him. No questions asked, I took him under my wing. I was there and gave everything I had.
But what did I get? He was just stringing me all along.
Move on. Just move on, girl. Please, just move on. He didn’t deserve you.
And you should never, ever let yourself be duped again. You’re so fucking gullible. The only way to make sure of this is not to let anybody near ever you again. Ever.

Anilao, Batangas. Photo by CallMeCreation.com