
Yoyoka is happiness in a tiny box. She made me smile even though there’s little to smile about these days. I never knew cowbells could drive the cobwebs away. Look at/hear her triple bass. She is John Bonham incarnate. And look at the joy while she plays. She was just 8 years old here. ❤️❤️❤️

And my 9-year-old couldn’t even keep her desk neat and orderly.🤦🏻‍♀️

I tried introducing my girls to rock through Cranberries but it hasn’t caught on yet. They do not like it that much when I play P.O.D. and Breaking Benjamin in the car. But there’s still hope. Slowly, Nirvana and Rage Against The Machine will make their way in.

And as for Yoyoka, continue loving Led Zep and Nirvana. The world needs you. Her family is sooo cool as well! Look at her mom rock out to Rage Against the Machine, with her aunt playing the bass. During quarantine.

I am saved again by music. Thank God for music.